Guidelines & standards

The framework to move beyond compliance

At its most basic level, DryBMS requires companies to meet existing legal requirements (Basic Level). The next three levels (Intermediate Level, Advanced Level and Excellence Level) allow companies to identify processes, procedures and practices that are beyond compliance and help achieve safer, more sustainable operational practices. 

DryBMS sets out 30 areas of management practice within four sections: Performance, People, Plant and Processes. 


  • The programme facilitates higher levels of dry bulk safety standards, going beyond compliance with international legislation and recognised guidelines and common practices from across the industry.
  • DryBMS enables shipowners and managers to demonstrate operational excellence and provide assurance to relevant stakeholders.
  • Operators can use the programme to identify and plan the most effective management upgrades required across their company.
  • DryBMS provides the opportunity for charterers and shipowners to work together in raising industry standards.
Download DryBMS guidelines and standards

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