Welcome to DBCE, the home of DryBMS

DryBMS - moving the industry beyond compliance

DryBMS provides shipowners and managers with a framework to go beyond compliance.

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Who we are

Setting a new standard for operational excellence

The Dry Bulk Centre of Excellence (DBCE) is an independent not-for-profit industry organisation dedicated to raising standards and best practices in dry shipping through the implementation of the DryBMS framework.

DBCE’s purpose is to reduce operational incidents, improve operational standards and drive industry best practices in the dry shipping sector.

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To upload your DryBMS self-assessment

Guidelines & Standards

The power is in your hands

DryBMS provides a framework for evaluation and self-assessment of maritime excellence, with clear standards and guidelines across four categories: Performance, People, Plant and Process.

The framework was developed by leading shipowners, managers and maritime risk management experts, with input from stakeholders across the supply chain.

Performance, People, Plant, Process

The Dry Bulk Management Standard

Full guidance notes
