From dangerous weather conditions to hazardous working conditions, your company’s personnel can be exposed to risks every single day.  

To help protect your crew at sea and to bring them home safely, DBCE and leading experts within the shipping industry have developed the DryBMS framework. This easy-to-use self-assessment platform ensures your company’s dry bulk ship safety standards not only meet but exceed compliance. 

There is so much to consider in the running of a dry bulk shipping operation. Which is why, in its daily operations, it’s possible for safety measures to be overlooked. 

Here are 5 common misconceptions 

  1. Accidents won’t happen to me
    Accidents at sea can happen to anyone, regardless of experience or past safety record. Complacency can lead to serious incidents.
    The DryBMS framework promotes a proactive safety culture, emphasising continuous risk assessments and regular safety drills to prevent accidents before they happen
  2. Training is a one-time requirement
    Ongoing training is essential to maintain maritime safety in an evolving industry with new technologies, regulations and best practices.
    The DryBMS framework encourages refresher training, and ensures there is a process to identify when new training is required 
  3. Experienced mariners don’t need to follow safety rules and regulations
    Everyone must adhere to safety protocols to keep everyone on board the vessel safe.
    The DryBMS framework enforces use of standardised procedures for everyone on board the vessel and ensures rules are in place for all to follow  not dependent on level 
  4. Safety inspections are merely a formality
    They are crucial to identifying risks, ensuring equipment is fully functioning and all staff are clear on procedures.
    A lot of the DryBMS framework ensures that safety is a priority and that regular vessel visits are undertaken and comprehensive 
  5. Safety equipment is for emergencies only
    It should be regularly inspected, maintained and understood by all crew members
    The DryBMS framework encourages regular routine checks and drills to ensure crew are confident and efficient during emergency situations

These are just a few of the watchouts all dry bulk shipping organisations should be mindful of. The DryBMS framework is designed to challenge misconceptions by fostering a safety-first mindset, ensuring that all personnel are well-prepared, compliant and vigilant in their approach to maritime safety

Learn more about the DryBMS framework and subscribe to the platform.