In September 2025 the world of shipping will focus on the UK for what has become a major event in the maritime calendar – the London International Shipping Week.

Thousands of industry decision makers from across the globe will gather at LISW25 for an exciting week comprising 350 events and functions. Everyone from regulators, charterers and shipowners to ship brokers, bankers and insurers will seize the opportunity to network and showcase all the latest news and developments happening in shipping right now.

This year the DBCE is proud to join many other maritime organisations as an official supporter of this high-profile event. With the event’s vast representation of the shipping community, LISW25 provides the perfect platform for highlighting the important mission of the DBCE.

Across the shipping industry there is no single sector that is not affected by the importance of safety at sea. By promoting the implementation of Dry Bulk Management Standard (DryBMS) framework, the DBCE aims to raise standards in dry bulk shipping. With this easy-to-use, self-assessment portal ship owners can now improve operational efficiency beyond compliance.

By encouraging subscription to DryBMS we believe we can make a difference to safety at sea. As an official supporter of LISW25 we can reach the people to make it happen.

We look forward to seeing you all at LISW25.